Latest release
The latest released version is: ODMan-0.4
Changes from 0.3 to 0.4 are:
- a lot of bug fixes in the low level subroutines
- better media detection at the transfer rate test
- elapsed CPU time calculation at the transfer rate test
- error and normal output messages enhancements
Changes from 0.3 to 0.4 are:
- a lot of bug fixes in the low level subroutines
- better media detection at the transfer rate test
- elapsed CPU time calculation at the transfer rate test
- error and normal output messages enhancements
To see all the changes here is the ChangeLog file (also available in the program tarball)
You can always download the latest version from the website project download section.
Only source code versions are available so you must to have the basic development tools (like the gcc compiler)
to compile the program and use it.
Also there you can found the md5 sums to verify the downloaded tarball.
CVS versions
If you like to stay on the bleeding edge you can use the CVS version.
CVS (Concurrent Versions System) is a tool used by many software developers to manage changes within their source code tree. In other words all the new changes are put first in the CVS repository so you can find there
all the new implementations, bug fixes that are made to the project. If the developer considers that it's time to release a new version he grabs the CVS repository (that was constantly modified) and makes a release from that.
Be aware that CVS versions are very experimental, they are not very well tested and because new features are implemented there is a chance that new bugs arise too
Anyway here is the web interface of the CVS repository. Browsing the CVS tree gives you a great view into the current status of this project's code.
The web interface it's fine for source code browsing, but if you want to download the whole source it's not so great. For that use the anonymous CVS access. Open a terminal and type the following command in:
cvs -z3 co -P odman.
This would download the odman directory CVS tree. More information about anonymous CVS access can be found here.
Last updated: September 5 2008, 2:03 PM (UTC time)