Compiling & Using
Before you could use it you must to compile it. Binary versions are not available.
You must to have the following tools to successfully compile ODMan
- The GNU C compiler (gcc)
- The GNU C Library development files (containing the headers,and shared libs)
- The GNU C preprocessor (cpp)
- The GNU assembler (as)
- The GNU linker (ld)
You need these tools to compile
ODMan. If you are missing one of them just install it from your
distribution package collection. In general the package names are like
libc6-dev, for the library development files, the assembler and linker
are located in the binutils package.
NOTE: With the latest versions of gcc (gcc 4.2.3 and gcc 4.3.0) ODMan is not compatible and would not compile. A porting is necessary for those gcc versions
Last updated: August 19 2008, 11:42 PM (UTC time)